DevOps Engineer

If you have in-depth expertise with bulletins below, we’d undoubtedly like to gig you with us!







Key Responsibilities

  • The role is to work in web application security assessments and hands-on techniques for identifying SQL injections, XSS, CSRF, authentication, and OWASP top 10 issues
  • Provide expert advice and recommendation to the web application tech team
  • Taking ownership of Managing server Access and enforcing a security policy
  • Periodic performance Audits/Security reports and relevant fixes
  • Establishing backup systems/ plans and monitoring server logs
  • Fixing server technical issues the Website faces

Technical Experience

  • Good knowledge of WAF security technologies for secure software development, such as cryptography, authentication techniques, protocols, etc
  • Experience in both commercial and open source tools and exploitation Identifying exploiting business logic framework-related vulnerabilities
  • Experience in removing false positives, analyzing dynamic scan webinspect, appscan reports on priority
  • Experience with security appliances/LDAP
  • Knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

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